1.6. Understanding the tables of commands and options

Throughout this guide are tables summarizing many of the most commonly used Linux commands and command options. Most table entries, like the one in the example below, follow a format similar to that used by Linux's built-in manual pages.[16] Some table entries, such as those found in Section 5.2, “GNU Emacs”, use a different format, although the differences are explained where relevant.

Since most commands have many options available, only a few options will be listed. To view all options for a given command, check the command's manual page.[16] Square brackets (that is, []) around an item indicate that it's an optional argument for the command.

Example 1.1. How to read a table entry

Given the command synopsis

ls [-a] [-l] [path]

ls is the command, -a and -l are some of the options available for ls, and path is an optional argument for ls.

[16] Manual pages are discussed in Section 2.1, “Manual ("man") pages”.

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